Dickson attended the annual meeting of the VIP Consortium

Dickson attended the annual meeting of the VIP Consortium (https://vip.gatech.edu/vip-vertically-integrated-projects-program). Strathmore University just signed an MoU to join the consortium this year, so he had the pleasure of representing his university in this meeting. VIP consortium drives a model that allows undergraduate and graduate students to engage in experiential projects led by faculty Continue Reading »

The inaugural Class on Complex Particles and Particle Systems is finished! (by Riley Garlauskas) 

After taking the Complex Particle Class (CHE 496/696 ME595 Particles and Particles Systems) last semester, Riley Garlauskas, one of the students who took the class, expressed his excitement of using VR with complex particles! Below is his full story.

Having witnessed how students interacted with the VR lab, I found that there was an Continue Reading »

1st COMPASS-Seagate Industry Grand Challenge

1st Place Winners:  Dr Duke Oeba, Namumbya Mercy Diana, Lucy Mahulu, and Dereje Gelanu

2nd Place Winners: Daisy Kiptoo and Francis Walugembe

We recently hosted a COMPASS-Seagate Industry Grand Challenge for students, professors, and researchers from African universities and research centers. We had a week of skill-building webinars and posted a Continue Reading »

Nothing is everything: How hidden emptiness can define the usefulness of filtration materials

Prof. Qian Chen, right, and chemistry graduate student Falon Kalutantirige worked with multiple technologies, including Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy at the Materials Research Laboratory’s Supercon facility to image nanovoids within filter membranes in three dimensions. The team has titled the nanovoid advancement “Beyond Nothingness,” where they applied a mathematical concept called graph theory Continue Reading »

Albert Liu visited North Carolina State University! Amazing talk with great discussions

Prof. Albert Liu visited North Carolina State University and gave an amazing talk about “Colloidal Electronic Matter.”

“I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity of visiting the North Carolina State University thanks to the network COMPASS has built. The MSE department at NCSU is truly phenomenal and their Center for Additive Manufacturing and Logistics (CAMAL) is Continue Reading »